Do You Want to Crush Technical Debt and Go Faster?

At the end of the Technical Debt Deep Dive, you will have:

  • Identified your problematic areas in contrast to the best-implemented areas

  • Created technical debt ROI calculators to know how much technical debt is really costing you

  • Developed a strategy for removing technical debt and going faster

  • Completed proof of concepts that demonstrate the speed gains

  • Motivated and excited leadership, product managers, and engineers to invest in crushing debt

  • Implemented the steps to ensure that technical debt is now and forever under control

Who Should Participate?

Typical attendees in this program are individual engineers or leaders who need to more fully understand and gain mastery over the complexities and realities of high-tech, software-intensive systems development. Participants should have the ability to be able to immediately apply what they to learn to their organization.

How Much Time Will This Require?

The workshop runs for ten weeks with a 1.5-hour session each week. There are on-the-job assignments between sessions where participants will work directly in their organization to immediately use what is learned to address technical debt.

Key Components of the Technical Debt Deep Dive?

The Dialog Sessions: Each week there will be a 1.5-hour dialog session. These sessions are a combination of lectures, discussions, and hands-on work. The following is a sample of the topics that are covered in the dialog sessions.

  • The Reality of Technical Debt. You can’t defeat technical debt without understanding the reality behind why the debt got there in the first place, and why there will be constant pressure to add more.

  • The Cost. You will learn how much technical debt is really costing your organization both in terms of dollars and morale.

  • The Types of Debt. Learn the 7+ types of technical debt. Knowing them and their differences is critical to solving the problems.

  • Data Drives. Have the data to determine how to do the surgical strikes to replace the problem areas with a robust system.

  • Prevent Debt. Can we really prevent technical debt? It starts with a warning system, and it works when we have the mindset in place to pay attention.

  • Culture of Ownership. Create a culture of ownership with an ethic of speed to value. Learn how to get the whole organization, from individual engineers to high level leadership, talking about the relationship between technical debt and shaping the fastest way to provide lasting value to your customers.

Learn From the Experts: Exceptional Difference LLC has a focus on ensuring that each attendee makes an immediate positive impact on their organization. The “Dialog Sessions” are just a part of making this happen. You will also have the following opportunities.

  • You will be in small group sessions with the experts focused on your specific challenges.

  • There will be guest appearances from Exceptional Difference alumni who have been there and done that in overcoming challenges you are likely facing now.

  • Deep-dive participants will learn from the experts and each other. You will develop new connections and grow your network.

Tools to Help You Excel: You will receive documents, templates, and other job aides to help you master technical debt. A sample of these include:

  • Guidance on selecting tools that evaluate software systems for technical debt

  • Guidance for getting useful System Maps of your Technical Debt

  • Best practices and templates for creating your Technical Debt ROI Calculators

  • Best practices for Early Warning Systems

  • How to Overcome the Challenges to achieving Perfect Balance

Show Off Your Results

Graduation Ceremony.

The graduation ceremony will follow with a small gap after the Deep-Dive completion. Exceptional Difference experts will help you prepare a presentation that shows off your results and puts in place the final pieces to ensure your organization has control over technical debt.

Pricing options

Register now and save $300 off the normal course pricing.